The AFTNCorrectionManagementProvider Service Interface manages the operations performed by the FDO to correct erroneous AFTN messages concerning in-coming flight plan that cannot be processed automatically by the system.
It covers the following cases:
- AFTN Modification messages: CHG, CNL, DLA, ARR, DEP (ICAO format), ICHG, ICNL, IDLA, IARR, IDEP, IACH (ADEXP format). In this case, it may be necessary to associate a FP to these messages to be able to correct them successfully.
- AFTN Creation messages: FPL (ICAO format), IFPL, IAPL (ADEXP format).
This operation allows the operator to correct the erroneous fields upon the reception of a CHG or ICHG message.
Whenever a change is made to the data contained in a Flight Plan message already sent to the ATSUs concerned with the flight, they must all be notified. It is particularly important to notify changes of Flight Level or Flight Rules, whether the change is made before departure or en-route. Such notification may be done by phone or ATS/DS when possible; otherwise it must be done by means of a modification message sent to AFTN.
The following CHG fields can be corrected through this operation:
CHG content: callsign aircraftIdentification (F7a), assignedSSRCode /Mode (F7b/c), departureAerodromeDesignator (F13a), estimatedOffBlockTime (F13b), destinationAerodromeDesignator (F16a), totalEstimatedElapsedTime (F16b), otherInformation (F18), amendments of other ICAO fields (F22), alternativeDestinationAerodromeDesignator (F16c).
In CHG, F22 should only amend F7b/c, F8, F9, F10, F13b, F14, F15, F16, F18, F19.
The following ICHG fields can be corrected through this operation via decoded data:
departureAerodromeDesignator (ADEP), destinationAerodromeDesignator (ADES), aircraftIdentification (ARCID), aircraftTypeICAOIdentifier (ARCTYP), NCAEquipment (CEQPT), estimatedOffBlockDate (EOBD),
estimatedOffBlockTime (EOBT), fillingTime (FILTIM), ifplid (IFPLDID), numberOfAircraft (NBARC), surveillance equipment (SEQPT), dataSourceId (SRC), assignedSSRCode/Mode (SSRCODE), wakeTurbulenceCategory (WKTRC), totalEstimatedElapsedTime (TTLEET), flightRules (FLTRUL), flightType (FLTTYP), alternativeDestinationAerodromeDesignator (ALTRN1/2), icaoRoute (ROUTE), requestedFlightLevel (RFL), enRouteCruiseSpeed (SPEED / MACH), rtepts (RTEPTS), sidDesignator (SID), starDesignator (STAR).
Other fields managed by this operation are included in specificADEXPField, otherInformation and supplementaryInformation, and listed in previous section "Operations"..
This operation allows the operator to correct the erroneous fields upon the reception of an FPL or IFPL message.
The FPL message is the flight plan as filed with an ATS unit by the pilot or a designated representative, without any subsequent changes.
The following FPL fields can be corrected through this operation:
callsign aircraftIdentification (F7a), assignedSSRCode /Mode (F7b/c), flightRules (F8a), flightType (F8b), numberOfAircraft (F9a), aircraftTypeICAOIdentifier (F9b), wakeTurbulenceCategory (F9c), NCAEquipment (F10a), surveillance equipment (F10b), departureAerodromeDesignator (F13a), estimatedOffBlockTime (F13b), enRouteCruiseSpeed (TAS or Mach) (F15a), requestedFlightLevel (F15b), icaoRoute (F15c), destinationAerodromeDesignator (F16a), totalEstimatedElapsedTime (F16b), alternativeDestinationAerodromeDesignator (F16c), otherInformation (F18), supplementaryInformation (F19).
The following IFPL fields can be corrected through this operation via decoded data:
departureAerodromeDesignator (ADEP), destinationAerodromeDesignator (ADES), aircraftIdentification (ARCID), aircraftTypeICAOIdentifier (ARCTYP),
NCAEquipment (CEQPT), estimatedOffBlockDate (EOBD), estimatedOffBlockTime (EOBT), fillingTime (FILTIM), ifplid (IFPLDID), numberOfAircraft (NBARC), surveillance equipment (SEQPT), dataSourceId (SRC), assignedSSRCode/Mode (SSRCODE), wakeTurbulenceCategory (WKTRC), totalEstimatedElapsedTime (TTLEET), flightRules (FLTRUL), flightType (FLTTYP), alternativeDestinationAerodromeDesignator (ALTRN1/2), icaoRoute (ROUTE), requestedFlightLevel (RFL), enRouteCruiseSpeed (SPEED / MACH), rtepts (RTEPTS), sidDesignator (SID), starDesignator (STAR).
Other fields managed by this operation are included in specificADEXPField, otherInformation and supplementaryInformation, and listed in previous section "Operations"..
This operation allows the operator to correct the erroneous fields upon the reception of an IAPL message (ICAO format message APL is not applicable CCS).
The following IAPL fields can be corrected through this operation via decoded data:
departureAerodromeDesignator (ADEP), destinationAerodromeDesignator (ADES), aircraftIdentification (ARCID), aircraftTypeICAOIdentifier (ARCTYP), NCAEquipment (CEQPT), estimatedOffBlockDate (EOBD), estimatedOffBlockTime (EOBT), fillingTime (FILTIM), ifplid (IFPLDID), numberOfAircraft (NBARC), surveillance equipment (SEQPT), dataSourceId (SRC), assignedSSRCode/Mode (SSRCODE), wakeTurbulenceCategory (WKTRC), totalEstimatedElapsedTime (TTLEET), flightRules (FLTRUL), flightType (FLTTYP), alternativeDestinationAerodromeDesignator (ALTRN1/2), icaoRoute (ROUTE), requestedFlightLevel (RFL), enRouteCruiseSpeed (SPEED / MACH), rtepts (RTEPTS), sidDesignator (SID), starDesignator (STAR).
Other fields managed by this operation are included in specificADEXPField, otherInformation and supplementaryInformation, and listed in previous section "Operations"..
This operation allows the operator to correct the erroneous fields in the SFPL upon the reception of an IACH message (ICAO format message ACH is not applicable CCS). It is the modification message type distributed by the IFPS upon receipt and successful processing of an FNM, MFS, and AFP for which a valid associated flight plan exists in the IFPS.
The following IACH fields can be corrected through this operation via decoded data:
departureAerodromeDesignator (ADEP), destinationAerodromeDesignator (ADES), aircraftIdentification (ARCID), aircraftTypeICAOIdentifier (ARCTYP), NCAEquipment (CEQPT), estimatedOffBlockDate (EOBD), estimatedOffBlockTime (EOBT), fillingTime (FILTIM), ifplid (IFPLDID), numberOfAircraft (NBARC), surveillance equipment (SEQPT), dataSourceId (SRC), assignedSSRCode/Mode (SSRCODE), wakeTurbulenceCategory (WKTRC), totalEstimatedElapsedTime (TTLEET), flightRules (FLTRUL), flightType (FLTTYP), alternativeDestinationAerodromeDesignator (ALTRN1/2), icaoRoute (ROUTE), requestedFlightLevel (RFL), enRouteCruiseSpeed (SPEED / MACH), rtepts (RTEPTS), sidDesignator (SID), starDesignator (STAR).
Other fields managed by this operation are included in specificADEXPField, otherInformation and supplementaryInformation, and listed in previous section "Operations"..
This operation allows the operator to correct the erroneous fields upon the reception of an ARR or IARR message. Where an Arrival message is required for an IFR/GAT flight or part thereof operating within the IFPZ, the appropriate air traffic services unit shall submit such to the IFPS for processing
The following ARR fields can be corrected through this operation:
callsign aircraftIdentification (F7a), assignedSSRCode /Mode (F7b/c), departureAerodromeDesignator (F13a), estimatedOffBlockTime (F13b), destinationAerodromeDesignator (F16a), destinationAerodromeDesignator and actualLandingTime (F17), date of flight in otherInformation (F18).
The following IARR fields can be corrected through this operation via decoded data:
departureAerodromeDesignator (ADEP), destinationAerodromeDesignator (ADES), aircraftIdentification (ARCID), aircraftTypeICAOIdentifier (ARCTYP), estimatedOffBlockDate (EOBD), estimatedOffBlockTime (EOBT), fillingTime (FILTIM), ifplid (IFPLDID), dataSourceId (SRC), assignedSSRCode/Mode (SSRCODE), actualLandingTime (ATA), destinationAerodromeDesignator (ADARR)
Other fields managed by this operation are included in specificADEXPField, otherInformation and supplementaryInformation, and listed in previous section "Operations"..
This operation allows the operator to correct the erroneous fields upon the reception of an CNL or ICNL message. When a schedule flight or a flight for which a Flight Plan Message has been sent, is subsequently cancelled, the ATSU at the point where the flight is cancelled shall send a Cancellation Message.
The following CNL fields can be corrected through this operation:
callsign aircraftIdentification (F7a), assignedSSRCode /Mode (F7b/c), departureAerodromeDesignator (F13a), estimatedOffBlockTime (F13b), destinationAerodromeDesignator (F16a), otherInformation (F18).
The following ICNL fields can be corrected through this operation via decoded data:
departureAerodromeDesignator (ADEP), destinationAerodromeDesignator (ADES), aircraftIdentification (ARCID), aircraftTypeICAOIdentifier (ARCTYP), estimatedOffBlockDate (EOBD), estimatedOffBlockTime (EOBT), fillingTime (FILTIM), ifplid (IFPLDID), dataSourceId (SRC), assignedSSRCode/Mode (SSRCODE)
Other fields managed by this operation are included in specificADEXPField, otherInformation and supplementaryInformation, and listed in previous section "Operations"..
This operation allows the operator to correct the erroneous fields upon the reception of an DLA or IDLA message. When a scheduled flight, or a flight for which a FPL was despatched, has not left the loading apron within 30 minutes after the scheduled or estimated time of departure; or where there is reason to believe that such a flight will not be in a position to leave within the 30 minutes due to the late arrival of the aircraft on the previous sector or for any other reason.
The following DLA fields can be corrected through this operation:
callsign aircraftIdentification (F7a), assignedSSRCode /Mode (F7b/c), departureAerodromeDesignator (F13a), estimatedOffBlockTime (F13b), destinationAerodromeDesignator (F16a), otherInformation (F18).
The following IDLA fields can be corrected through this operation via decoded data:
departureAerodromeDesignator (ADEP), destinationAerodromeDesignator (ADES), aircraftIdentification (ARCID), aircraftTypeICAOIdentifier (ARCTYP), NCAEquipment (CEQPT), estimatedOffBlockDate (EOBD), estimatedOffBlockTime (EOBT), fillingTime (FILTIM), ifplid (IFPLDID), numberOfAircraft (NBARC), surveillance equipment (SEQPT), dataSourceId (SRC), assignedSSRCode/Mode (SSRCODE), wakeTurbulenceCategory (WKTRC), totalEstimatedElapsedTime (TTLEET), flightRules (FLTRUL), flightType (FLTTYP), alternativeDestinationAerodromeDesignator (ALTRN1/2), icaoRoute (ROUTE), requestedFlightLevel (RFL), enRouteCruiseSpeed (SPEED / MACH), rtepts (RTEPTS), sidDesignator (SID), starDesignator (STAR).
Other fields managed by this operation are included in specificADEXPField, otherInformation and supplementaryInformation, and listed in previous section "Operations"..
This operation allows the operator to correct the erroneous fields upon the reception of a DEP or IDEP message. Departure message shall be sent immediately after take-off in respect of all flights for which a Flight Plan Message has been sent.
The following DEP fields can be corrected through this operation:
callsign aircraftIdentification (F7a), assignedSSRCode /Mode (F7b/c), departureAerodromeDesignator (F13a), estimatedOffBlockTime (F13b), destinationAerodromeDesignator (F16a), otherInformation (F18).
The following IDEP fields can be corrected through this operation via decoded data:
departureAerodromeDesignator (ADEP), destinationAerodromeDesignator (ADES), aircraftIdentification (ARCID), aircraftTypeICAOIdentifier (ARCTYP), NCAEquipment (CEQPT), estimatedOffBlockDate (EOBD), estimatedOffBlockTime (EOBT), fillingTime (FILTIM), ifplid (IFPLDID), numberOfAircraft (NBARC), surveillance equipment (SEQPT), dataSourceId (SRC), assignedSSRCode/Mode (SSRCODE), wakeTurbulenceCategory (WKTRC), totalEstimatedElapsedTime (TTLEET), flightRules (FLTRUL), flightType (FLTTYP), alternativeDestinationAerodromeDesignator (ALTRN1/2), icaoRoute (ROUTE), requestedFlightLevel (RFL), enRouteCruiseSpeed (SPEED / MACH), rtepts (RTEPTS), sidDesignator (SID), starDesignator (STAR), actualTakeOffTime (ATD)
Other fields managed by this operation are included in specificADEXPField, otherInformation and supplementaryInformation, and listed in previous section "Operations"..
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