
This operation allows the operator to correct the erroneous fields upon the reception of an ARR or IARR message. Where an Arrival message is required for an IFR/GAT flight or part thereof operating within the IFPZ, the appropriate air traffic services unit shall submit such to the IFPS for processing

The following ARR fields can be corrected through this operation:
callsign aircraftIdentification (F7a), assignedSSRCode /Mode (F7b/c), departureAerodromeDesignator (F13a), estimatedOffBlockTime (F13b), destinationAerodromeDesignator (F16a), destinationAerodromeDesignator and actualLandingTime (F17), date of flight in otherInformation (F18).

The following IARR fields can be corrected through this operation via decoded data:
departureAerodromeDesignator (ADEP), destinationAerodromeDesignator (ADES), aircraftIdentification (ARCID), aircraftTypeICAOIdentifier (ARCTYP), estimatedOffBlockDate (EOBD), estimatedOffBlockTime (EOBT), fillingTime (FILTIM), ifplid (IFPLDID), dataSourceId (SRC), assignedSSRCode/Mode (SSRCODE), actualLandingTime (ATA), destinationAerodromeDesignator (ADARR)

Other fields managed by this operation are included in specificADEXPField, otherInformation and supplementaryInformation, and listed in previous section "Operations"..

TI Protocol Methods