
This Service Interface exposes two operations for publishing updates of correlation status, either immediately on a specific flight when updated, or periodically for all flights.


This operation periodically sends the correlation status for all flights to subscribers, and thus they are aware of the latest correlation status of all flights.
Correlation data are sent every 4 seconds (time period of radar updates).
CCS starts distributing correlation data for an SFPL when this SFPL is eligible for correlation or if it is MANUALLY_CORRELATED..

TI Protocol Methods
Operation Message
Processing Consideration
Interface Binding Description

Information is exchanged in Protobuf format. Protocol buffers or Protobuf are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data similar to XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler.

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern
Service Interface Binding
Network Interface Binding