Non predefined holding area

Non predefined Holding area :
- Holding area : holdingVolumeIdentifier should be filled with a dummy name.
- Entry point: (applicationStart.point) : it is the point of entry of the holding area. It can be either a point already in the route of the flight, or not. If not, it will be inserted in the route immediately after the application point (which is either applicationStart.routePointId if filled, or the current flight position otherwise).
- Exit point: (applicationEnd.point) : it is the point of exit of the holding area. It is optional in the input. If filled, it has to be a point already in the route of the flight, and it will be the next point after entry point (so, if other points are initially between entry and exit points, they will be automatically removed from the route). If not filled, the entry point is used by the system as exit point.