All the reverse entity references for this entity

Cache-Control: no-cache
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: xxx

BMA Bromma wait time

Operation Message
Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern

<p>The following section describes details how to subscribe and unsubscribe to this service.</p>


<p>At the moment subscribing or unsubscribing to this service is only possible by contacting the DWD Aviation Customer Service. Contact details are found in the general part of the service description.</p>

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern

<p>The interface is used to receive the data via WFS.</p>


This is the connection between the service provider and the customer via WFS. You need to contact the DWD aviation customer service for getting the credentials to retreive the specific layer which is described in this sevice description.

<p>The Service Interface Binding is SWIM Yellow Profile Compliant, using WS Light enabling HTTP GET requests and associated responses.</p>

<p>The Service implementation conforms with&nbsp;IPV4_SECURE_UNICAST as part of SWIM Yellow Profile requirements.</p>

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern

<p>The following section describes details how to subscribe and unsubscribe to this service.</p>


<p>At the moment subscribing or unsubscribing to this service is only possible by contacting the DWD Aviation Customer Service. Contact details are found in the general part of the service description.</p>

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern

<p>The interface is used to receive the data via WFS.</p>


This is the connection between the service provider and the customer via WFS. You need to contact the DWD aviation customer service for getting the credentials to retreive the specific layer which is described in this sevice description.

<p>The Service Interface Binding is SWIM Yellow Profile Compliant, using WS Light enabling HTTP GET requests and associated responses.</p>

<p>The Service implementation conforms with&nbsp;IPV4_SECURE_UNICAST as part of SWIM Yellow Profile requirements.</p>

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern

<p>The following section describes details how to subscribe and unsubscribe to this service.</p>


<p>At the moment subscribing or unsubscribing to this service is only possible by contacting the DWD Aviation Customer Service. Contact details are found in the general part of the service description.</p>

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern

<p>The interface is used to receive the data via WFS.</p>


This is the connection between the service provider and the customer via WFS. You need to contact the DWD aviation customer service for getting the credentials to retreive the specific layer which is described in this sevice description.

<p>The Service Interface Binding is SWIM Yellow Profile Compliant, using WS Light enabling HTTP GET requests and associated responses.</p>

<p>The Service implementation conforms with&nbsp;IPV4_SECURE_UNICAST as part of SWIM Yellow Profile requirements.</p>

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern

The interface is used to receive the data via WFS.


This is the connection between the service provider and the customer via WFS. You need to contact the DWD aviation customer service for getting the credentials to retreive the specific layer which is described in this sevice description.

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern

<p>The following section describes details how to subscribe and unsubscribe to this service.</p>


<p>At the moment subscribing or unsubscribing to this service is only possible by contacting the DWD Aviation Customer Service. Contact details are found in the general part of the service description.</p>

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern

The interface is used to receive the data via WFS.


This is the connection between the service provider and the customer via WFS. You need to contact the DWD aviation customer service for getting the credentials to retreive the specific layer which is described in this sevice description.

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern