
This Service Interface exposes the operations for publishing:
- on-line updates of the status of CCS;
- updates of service appliance status;
- updates of service resource utilisation.


This operation sends to the subscribed consumers both the specific CCS services statuses and the CCS global one. For each CCS individual service, the possible statuses are:
- INITIATING: CCS individual service is starting up and is not ready to provide its functionalities;
- AVAILABLE_RUNNING: CCS individual service is running in nominal mode and is able to provide its functionalities;
- REDUCED_RESILIENCE: redundance loss;
- SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE: CCS individual service is not available;

The CCS global status is the result of the combination of the statuses of the CCS gateway, its AMQP broker and the individual CCS services. Its possible values are:
- INITIATING: the CCS Gateway is starting up regardless the status of the CCS individual services. CCS is not ready to provide its services;
- AVAILABLE_RUNNING: CCS service is running in nominal mode and is able to provide a service;
- REDUCED_RESILIENCE: redundance loss (at least one CCS individual service is REDUCED_RESILIENCE and the other ones are AVAILABLE_RUNNING);
- SERVICE_PARTIAL_FAILURE: at least one CCS individual service is SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE;
- SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE: either CCS Gateway or its AMQP broker is not available, regardless the status of the CCS individual services;
- SHUTTING_DOWN: CCS Gateway is shutting down following an issued command or unplanned failure.

The subscribed consumers are informed of any change regarding the status of CCS (seen as a global Service) and the status of a CCS individual service. When the CCS global status is published, the reason attribute is used to list all the individual service statuses separated by ";".
Each time the status of an individual service is updated, it would trigger the publication of the global CCS status (even if unchanged), with an updated reason.

Note: the status of SIMULM and SIMULD services is not provided if the platform state is OPERATIONAL.

TI Protocol Methods
Operation Message

This operation sends to the subscribed consumers the various status relative to CCS external interfaces (OLDI, AFTN, METEO, RADAR).

The subscribed consumers are informed of any change regarding the status of CCS external interfaces. The status of each external interface is notified separately; the externalInterfaceName field is used to distinguish what interface the status is related to. .

TI Protocol Methods
Operation Message

This operation sends to the subscribed consumers clients the various resource utilisation (Disk, CPU, Network) related to service appliances of CCS as a global Service.

The publication is triggered by the following events:
- cpuUtilisation exceeds 95% (alarm start)
- cpuUtilisation decreases under 80% (alarm end)
- storageCapacityUtilisation changes its status (from OK to NOK or vice-versa)

Note: if no cpu start of alarm is notified, no publication is made when the cpu decreases under the 80% threshold..

TI Protocol Methods
Operation Message
Interface Binding Description

Information is exchanged in Protobuf format. Protocol buffers or Protobuf are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data similar to XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler.

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern
Service Interface Binding
Network Interface Binding