
This Service Interface exposes operations used by the Operational Supervisor to modify the Sector Configuration Data.


Enables to activate a sector mapping: the supervisor selects a mapping (next or pre-defined mapping) that will replace the current mapping of the concerned ASTUSectorConfiguration.
The supervisor may also choose to revert back to the pre-defined default sector mapping. If not, the input parameters shall be the identifier and the state (next or pre-defined) of the origin sector mapping.
As a consequence, the parameter sectorMappingId is MANDATORY when the parameter revertToDefaultMapping is not filled or set to FALSE (but if revertToDefaultMapping is set to YES, sectorMappingId is not needed)..

TI Protocol Methods

Enables to delete a given sector mapping. Only the next sector mapping can be deleted.
The input parameter is the identifier of the concerned ATSUSectorConfiguration (sufficient to delete a next mapping knowing that only one next sector mapping per ATSUSectorConfiguration).

TI Protocol Methods
Processing Consideration
Interface Binding Description

Information is exchanged in Protobuf format. Protocol buffers or Protobuf are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data similar to XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler.

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern
Service Interface Binding
Network Interface Binding