This request fetches exported AIXM 5.1.1 files, based on the defined parameter set.
Retrieves a specific download AIXM 5.1.1 XML file using a notifications process.
The steps of the above-mentioned process are as follows:
1. When storing a new parameter set, the system automatically creates a "topic" within AIMSL per user who is specified as "Subscriber" for the download.
2. The specified user may subscribe to the appropriate topic and recurrently poll for new status of an active download job. For subscription, the generated aimsl:id from the previously created pull point must be used.
3. The appropriate topic expression should be set as "sdd_download:<user_code_id>".
4. Once the system starts a regarding download job from the stored parameter set, every status change of the active download is notified to the topic. Possible values are QUEUED, PROCESSING, FINISHED, FAILED and CANCELLED.
5. When the status changes to FINISHED, the id of the created file is provided with the notification as the <downloadFileId>.
It is needed to request the download result via WS operation downloadAixmMessageFile - see SDD XML Primer, section "Download Operations".
For security reasons, the addresses will be communicated only to customers.
Service Interface Binding
The web service is bound to the SOAP messaging protocol using Document style.
Network Interface Binding
SWIM TI Yellow Profile specification