
This operation allows the operator to correct the erroneous fields upon the reception of an DLA or IDLA message. When a scheduled flight, or a flight for which a FPL was despatched, has not left the loading apron within 30 minutes after the scheduled or estimated time of departure; or where there is reason to believe that such a flight will not be in a position to leave within the 30 minutes due to the late arrival of the aircraft on the previous sector or for any other reason.

The following DLA fields can be corrected through this operation:
callsign aircraftIdentification (F7a), assignedSSRCode /Mode (F7b/c), departureAerodromeDesignator (F13a), estimatedOffBlockTime (F13b), destinationAerodromeDesignator (F16a), otherInformation (F18).

The following IDLA fields can be corrected through this operation via decoded data:
departureAerodromeDesignator (ADEP), destinationAerodromeDesignator (ADES), aircraftIdentification (ARCID), aircraftTypeICAOIdentifier (ARCTYP), NCAEquipment (CEQPT), estimatedOffBlockDate (EOBD), estimatedOffBlockTime (EOBT), fillingTime (FILTIM), ifplid (IFPLDID), numberOfAircraft (NBARC), surveillance equipment (SEQPT), dataSourceId (SRC), assignedSSRCode/Mode (SSRCODE), wakeTurbulenceCategory (WKTRC), totalEstimatedElapsedTime (TTLEET), flightRules (FLTRUL), flightType (FLTTYP), alternativeDestinationAerodromeDesignator (ALTRN1/2), icaoRoute (ROUTE), requestedFlightLevel (RFL), enRouteCruiseSpeed (SPEED / MACH), rtepts (RTEPTS), sidDesignator (SID), starDesignator (STAR).

Other fields managed by this operation are included in specificADEXPField, otherInformation and supplementaryInformation, and listed in previous section "Operations"..

TI Protocol Methods