All the reverse entity references for this entity

The interface for the service is provide via HTTP API and it is described fully in Github: https://github.com/fmidev/smartmet-plugin-timeseries/wiki/Using-the-Tim…

Interface Binding Description

The user interface of the service is provided as a time series download service via HTTP. Message exchange pattern is request-response type. Typically the user makes a request to the server and in response gets the time series file to a single desired point.

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern
Service Interface Binding
Network Interface Binding

The interface for the service is provided as a GRIB2 download service via HTTP and it is described fully in Github: https://github.com/fmidev/smartmet-plugin-download/wiki/SmartMet-plugin…


The interface for the service is provided as a GRIB download service via HTTP. Message exchange pattern is request-response type. Typically the user makes a request to the server and in response gets a GRIB file.

TI Protocol Methods
Processing Consideration
Interface Binding Description

The interface for the service is provided as a GRIB download service via HTTP. Message exchange pattern is request-response type. Typically the user makes a request to the server and in response gets a GRIB file.

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern
Service Interface Binding
Network Interface Binding

Access to FlightFiling via the NM B2B Publish/Subscribe (P/S).

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern
Service Interface Binding
Network Interface Binding

FlightFilingService is intended to provide requests aimed at filing flight plan messages. https://ost.eurocontrol.int/sites/B2BWS/26_0_LATEST_EDITION/html/Flight…

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern
Service Interface Binding
Network Interface Binding

Access to FlightManagement via the NM B2B Publish/Subscribe (P/S).

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern
Service Interface Binding
Network Interface Binding

FlightManagementService provides requests aimed at managing flight plans and flights. https://ost.eurocontrol.int/sites/B2BWS/26_0_LATEST_EDITION/html/Flight…

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern
Service Interface Binding
Network Interface Binding

Access to FilingService via the NM B2B Publish/Subscribe (P/S).

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern
Service Interface Binding
Network Interface Binding