Provides access to Meteorological observation bulletins and information about the operation of the API and the data available.
The Service provides aeronautical meteorological observations as IWXXM, TAC and .png response payloads.
The Service also provides end users the ability to request metadata about the meteorological observations, returning a response in .json format.
Synchronous: Transactions are synchronous.
TI Protocol Method: HTTP GET
Precondition: Consumers must be authenticated and authorised via the Met Office API Management (APIM) Developer portal.
Processing consideration: The service shall provide a range of observations (Time now - 5 minutes back to Time now - 36hrs).
Url: The landing page provides links to the API definition, the Conformance statements and the metadata about the feature data in this dataset.
Url: The OpenAPI spec for OPMET API
Url: Information about standards that this API conforms to.
List all requirements classes specified in a standard that the server conforms to
Url: List the available collections from the service
Url: List the available collections from the service
{collectionId} - Where {collectionId} could be one of:
- tac_opmet_reports
- iwxxm_opmet_reports
- tac_advisory_reports
- iwxxm_advisory_reports
- graphical_reports
- notices
Url: List the locations available for the collection, described a co-ordinates of a polygon (geo-spatial)
{collectionId}/locations -Where {collectionId} could be one of:
- tac_opmet_reports
- iwxxm_opmet_reports
- tac_advisory_reports
- iwxxm_advisory_reports
- graphical_reports
- notices
Url: Query end point for queries of collection {collectionId} defined by a {locationId}
Return data the for the location defined by locationId
{collectionId}/locations/{locationId}?datetime={time}/{duration} - Where {collectionId} could be:
Where {locationId} could be:
Where {time} is in 5 minute steps for reports BUT notifications have to be set to either 15 or 45 mins past the hour between. Data can be requested for times between now (T0) and 36hrs ago (T-36). {time} is ordered as year-month-day-Time
Where {duration} is PT5M for all collections except notices which are PT30M
For example:10:30 UTC on 5 Jan 2024 for that last 5 minute timestep for reports is datetime=2024-01-05T10%3A30Z/PT5M
For example:10:15 UTC on 5 Jan 2024 for that last 30 minute timestep for notifications is datetime=2024-01-05T10%3A15Z/PT30M
Service Interface Binding
The Service Interface Binding is SWIM Yellow Profile Compliant, using WS Light enabling HTTP GET requests and associated responses.
Network Interface Binding
The Service implementation conforms with IPV4_SECURE_UNICAST as part of SWIM Yellow Profile requirements.