All the reverse entity references for this entity

REST Subscription Interface. This interface is one of the two implementation alternatives of the ArrivalSequenceInformationPublisher interface.

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern

REST Subscription Interface. This interface is one of the two implementation alternatives of the ArrivalSequenceInformationPublisher interface.


Endpoint to be provided by the actual Service Instance.

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern

REST Subscription Interface. This interface is one of the two implementation alternatives of the ArrivalSequenceInformationPublisher interface.


Endpoint dependent from the Service Instance

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern

Provides tiles of meteorological gridded data in response to tailored API requests submitted by an end user. This data is provided under the remit of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and can be used to support activities related to aviation.


The Service provides meteorological forecasts as GRIB2 response payloads. Within each request, consumers can specify a single 'item' (parameter) either for one global 'tile' (the forecast for the selected parameter for the whole globe per timestep group), or for one of 8 pre-set regional 'tiles'.

The Service also provides end users the ability to request metadata about the meteorological forecast included in the forecasts, returning a response in .json format.

Synchronous: Transactions are synchronous.

TI Protocol Method: HTTP GET

Precondition: Consumers must be authenticated and authorised via the Met Office API Management (APIM) Developer portal.

Processing consideration: The service shall provide only the latest available data.

Operation Message


Querying this end point returns metadata information in JSON format about one of these specific collections {collectionId}:

  • egrr_wafs_windtempgeo_0p25
  • egrr_wafs_humidity_0p25
  • egrr_wafs_tropjet_0p25
  • egrr_wafs_windtempgeo_1p25
  • egrr_wafs_humidity_1p25
  • egrr_wafs_tropjet_1p25
  • egrr_wafshzds_blended_ice_0p25
  • egrr_wafshzds_blended_turb_0p25
  • egrr_wafshzds_blended_cb_0p25
  • kwbc_wafs_windtempgeo_0p25
  • kwbc_wafs_humidity_0p25
  • kwbc_wafs_tropjet_0p25
  • kwbc_wafs_windtempgeo_1p25
  • kwbc_wafs_humidity_1p25
  • kwbc_wafs_tropjet_1p25
  • kwbc_wafshzds_blended_ice_0p25
  • kwbc_wafshzds_blended_turb_0p25
  • kwbc_wafshzds_blended_cb_0p25
Resource Type


Querying this end point returns metadata information in JSON format listing the available items, each with an 'itemId' and its associated metadata, that can be requested from a specified collection {collectionId}.

The 'itemId' naming standard is described in section 4.1 of the SADIS API - User Guide.

Resource Type


Querying this end point with the 'itemId' within a specified collection {collectionId} returns forecast data and associated metadata for this parameter e.g. Temperature, Geopotential Height, Relative Humidity, etc.

The success response is a 302 redirect, which directs you to the GRIB2 file payload of the requested item. The item payload contains the forecast data for all pressure levels for the relevant forecast timesteps and parameter(s), as specified by the 'itemId'.

The 'itemId' naming standard is described in section 4.1 of the SADIS API - User Guide.

Resource Type

The Service Interface Binding is SWIM Yellow Profile Compliant, using WS Light enabling HTTP GET requests and associated responses.

  • The Service shall return a .json response for metadata requests:
    • OpenAPI:
      • / gets the EDR root data entrypoint
      • /api gets the EDR spec for exposed endpoints
    • /conformance gets the conformance data for the API
    • Collections data:
      • /collections gets the end point that contains information about all the collections available
      • /collections/{collectionId} gets the end point that contains information about an individual collection {collectionId}
    • Item data: /collections/{collectionId}/items gets the end point that contains information about items available in an individual collection {collectionId}
  • Request for meteorological forecast data shall return a response as a 302 URL redirect to the GRIB2 payload:
    • Item data: /collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemsId} gets the end point for forecast data contained in the {itemId} item from an individual collection {collectionId}

The Service implementation conforms with IPV4_SECURE_UNICAST as part of SWIM Yellow Profile requirements.

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern

Provides access to Meteorological observation bulletins and information about the operation of the API and the data available.


The Service provides aeronautical meteorological observations as IWXXM, TAC and .png response payloads.

The Service also provides end users the ability to request metadata about the meteorological observations, returning a response in .json format.

Synchronous: Transactions are synchronous.

TI Protocol Method: HTTP GET

Precondition: Consumers must be authenticated and authorised via the Met Office API Management (APIM) Developer portal.

Processing consideration: The service shall provide a range of observations (Time now - 5 minutes back to Time now - 36hrs).

Operation Message

Url: Query end point for queries of collection {collectionId} defined by a {locationId}

Return data the for the location defined by locationId.

{collectionId}/locations/{locationId}?datetime={time}/{duration} - Where {collectionId} could be:








Where {locationId} could be:








Where {time} is in 5 minute steps for reports BUT notifications have to be set to either 15 or 45 mins past the hour between. Data can be requested for times between now (T0) and 36hrs ago (T-36). {time} is ordered as year-month-day-Time

Where {duration} is PT5M for all collections except notices which are PT30M

For example:10:30 UTC on 5 Jan 2024 for that last 5 minute timestep for reports  is            datetime=2024-01-05T10%3A30Z/PT5M

For example:10:15 UTC on 5 Jan 2024 for that last 30 minute timestep for notifications  is            datetime=2024-01-05T10%3A15Z/PT30M


Resource Type

The Service Interface Binding is SWIM Yellow Profile Compliant, using WS Light enabling HTTP GET requests and associated responses.

The Service implementation conforms with IPV4_SECURE_UNICAST as part of SWIM Yellow Profile requirements.

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern

This request fetches exported AIXM 5.1 files, based on the defined parameter set.


Retrieves a specific download AIXM 5.1 XML file using a notifications process.The steps of the above-mentioned process are as follows: 1. When storing a new parameter set, the system automatically creates a "topic" within AIMSL per user who is specified as "Subscriber" for the download. 2. The specified user may subscribe to the appropriate topic and recurrently poll for new status of an active download job. For subscription, the generated aimsl:id from the previously created pull point must be used.3. The appropriate topic expression should be set as "sdd_download:<user_code_id>". 4. Once the system starts a regarding download job from the stored parameter set, every status change of the active download is notified to the topic. Possible values are QUEUED, PROCESSING, FINISHED, FAILED and CANCELLED. 5. When the status changes to FINISHED, the id of the created file is provided with the notification as the <downloadFileId>. It is needed to request the download result via WS operation downloadAixmMessageFile - see SDD XML Primer, section "Download Operations".

Operation Message
Binding Method

For security reasons, the addresses will be communicated only to customers.

Resource Type



Errors are provided with DownloadResponse or SOAP Fault Error Messages.

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern

The Query Service for AIXM 5.1 is based on the Open Geospatial Consortium Web Feature Service Interface Standard (WFS).


The GetPropertyValue operation allows the value of a feature property or part of the value of a complex feature property to be retrieved from the data store for a set of features identified using a query expression.

Binding Method

The WSDL document defines the service-specific properties of a /sdd-wfs/wfs WFS implementation; it specifies available endpoints and alternative bindings.




The DescribeFeatureType operation returns a schema description of feature types offered by a WFS instance.

Interface Provision Side
TI Primitive Message Exchange Pattern



This operation allows the service provider to publish information to service consumers based on their subscriptions.

Interface Provision Side

The interface groups the operations that allows querying metadata and retrieving files.


This operation allows a service consumer to pause the publishing of messages for a particular topic subscription.

Operation Message

This operation allows a service consumer to resume a subscription that had been paused.

Note: Due to the stateless implementation of the API, this operation is performed in exactly the same way as the pause changing the subscription_status in the body of the message to “ACTIVE”.

Operation Message

EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile version 1.1

Interface Provision Side