Two access points are provided for access to the service from Internet:
One operational access point associated with the operational system (standard WSDL and amqps endpoint).
One pre-operational access point associated with the pre-operational system (PREOPS WSDL and amqps endpoint).
The certificate provided by DSNA is specific to the service and the endpoint (operational or pre-operational). Consumer must not use an operational certificate to invoke the pre-operational system.
One subscription per certificate (and as a consequence, one AMQP connection).

The access to the service is subject to the signature of a Service Agreement between DSNA and the Recipient. Please contact DSNA SWIM Services Responsible (§1.2) for more information.

The VigiAero service provides information about weather impact which are estimates based on weather forecast and initial flight plans. Both data are probabilistic and contains uncertainties. This service shall not be used for safety-critical decision.


The storage of data retained and used in connection with the processing of the order shall be in line with the General Data Protection Regulation and the provisions of the German Federal Data Protection Act.

DWD informs the user if there are any changes regarding any legal policies, the user's account, the user's orders or any mature changes of the service in writing four weeks in advance. On the other hand, in case of noticing any problems (technical or logical) the user is obliged to report immediately to the service provider. Furthermore the user is to give valid/correct contact details.

In the case of repeated violation of the customer's obligations concerning Right of use or Copyrights, the DWD is entitled to terminate the contract with immediate effect. The customer is entitled to the same right in the case that the DWD negligently and repeatedly offends against its liabilities. The contract can be terminated in writing by the customer and by the DWD respectively up to one month at the latest (date as postmarked) prior to the expiry date of the period of use. It is otherwise prolonged automatically for a further year. Any kind of termination must be made in writing.

The Parties shall perform the services agreed under this contract with the same care and diligence they apply to their own affairs and guarantee to base them on the known state of science and technology. No further guarantee is offered. Liability of the parties, legal representatives and agents in performance for any breach of essential contractual obligation (i.e. obligations the fulfilment of which allow the proper performance of the contract and on which the other party usually relies and may reasonably rely) shall be limited to intent and gross negligence, whereby liability for simple negligence shall be limited to foreseeable damage typical for this type of contract. Otherwise, the parties, their legal representatives and agents in performance shall be mutually liable only for intent and gross negligence. However, no such limitation of liability shall apply in the event of injury to life, body or health and where the product liability act applies. Notwithstanding Section 426 German Civil Code (BGB), the Parties agree that, in case of claims by third parties, in their internal relationship they shall only be liable in proportion to their share of fault and undertake to indemnify each other against further claims.

In as far as the services provided by the DWD contain copyrights, neighbouring rights or other rights, the customer is to observe the rights of the DWD ensuing therefrom. The user undertakes to respect copyrights as well as neighbouring and other rights of the DWD. The DWD assures to own all rights that are necessary for the distribution of the Aeronautical Meteorological Information. This also applies to all copyrights and rights to use a name, eventual industrial property rights or other neighbouring rights.