EDR Response codes

EDR Response Code Table
EDR Response code Code Meaning Impact and suggested actions
200 (OK) The request is successful. Expected behaviour, you can access the data.
302 (Found) Redirect status response code indicating that the resource requested has been temporarily moved to the URL given by the Location header.

Expected behaviour for retrieving {itemId} payloads. Follow this redirect to pick up your payload.

401 (Unauthorized Request) You are not authorised to access the service because our server requires user authentication. You cannot access the data due to invalid authorisation. Please check that your authorisation token is valid and has not expired, and try again.
403 (Forbidden) The request has been rejected because you do not have the rights to access or view the content. You cannot access the data due to invalid authorisation. Please check that your authorisation token is valid and has not expired, and try again.
404 (Not Found) The request is invalid. You cannot access the data because your request is not formulated correctly. Please check the validity of your request against the SADIS API - User Guide, Section 2.2 and Chapter 4.
408 (Request Timeout) The request you sent to the system took longer than the server was prepared to wait. You cannot access the data. Please try again. It is very unlikely that you encounter this error code. If the error persists, please contact our Support teams.
500 (Internal Server) While the request appears to be valid, the server failed to complete it. You cannot access the data. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact our Support teams.
502 (Bad Gateway) While the request appears to be valid, the server failed to complete it. You cannot access the data. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact our Support teams.
504 (Gateway Timeout) While the request appears to be valid, the server failed to complete it. You cannot access the data. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact our Support teams.