Quantitative Volcanic Ash Information Subscription and Request Service Distribution Interface

Allows the service provider to distribute notifications when a new significant ash cloud occurs meeting the need of the service consumer that has subscribed for updates.


The AMQP_MESSAGING Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition 1.1

The service shall use the network bindings of the SWIM TIYP. AMQP 1.0 shall be used to distribute messages as explained in the Publish/Subscribe Push MEP: Implementation Guidance.


The notification and way to retrieve the Quantitative Volcanic Ash Information Message e.g. the URL, or the volcano number. The message will include:
- publication time
- operation e.g. if it is an update or a new message
The message can include:
- identifier of the VAAC
- event type e.g. if it is live
Note: an example of the structure of the URL that is used to retrieve the QVA in IWXXM format using an EDR implementation: https://{organizaton URL}/QVACI_Iwxxm/Locations/{VolcanoNumber} Note: the URL, if provided, could be a request formatted for the Quantitative Volcanic Ash Information Subscription and Request Service Request Interface.

Interface Provision Side