Filter Encoding

The Quantitative Volcanic Ash Information Subscription and Request Service Request Interface shall support filtering by volcano number (i.e., the IAVCIE number) and forecast timestep (dateTime). The Quantitative Volcanic Ash Information Subscription and Request Service Request Interface should support filtering of probabilistic information based on the ash concentration threshold (≥0.2mg/m3, ≥2.0mg/m3, ≥5.0mg/m3, ≥0mg/m3). The Quantitative Volcanic Ash Information Subscription and Request Service Request Interface may support filtering based on geographic bounding box defined in the OGC Filter Encoding 2.0 Encoding Standard. The Quantitative Volcanic Ash Information Subscription and Request Service Request Interface shall support the selection of one or more of the supported data set types. If the service implements the OGC API - Environmental Data Retrieval Standard, the Quantitative Volcanic Ash Information Subscription and Request Service Subscription Interface shall allow for the selection of subscription based on clearly defined criteria. Note: for example, subscriptions can be for all QVA messages or by volcano number or by data format type (deterministic, probabilistic or in IWXXM format).