EUROCONTROL Network Manager
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- TrafficCounts
This NM B2B Service supports the querying of traffic counts, based on a number of criteria like aircraft operator, aerodrome or aerodrome set, airspace, point, traffic volume, etc.
The service is provided by the EUROCONTROL Network Manager (NM), with the geographical extent of the IFPZ, and is in operations since March 2015, having been progressively updated. The service is part of the NM B2B Flow Services group.
The traffic counts on a geographical area can be provided either based on entry times in the area or on occupancy times. These counts are made available for distinct traffic types: the demand, the regulated demand, or the current load.
This service is targeted for the local Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) Units, enabling a common view of the network situation and identification of bottlenecks in support of the collaborative decision making for the establishment of flow measures.
EUROCONTROL Network Manager
For operational incidents on the NM B2B services, contact CSO (Customer technical Service desk Operations) [24/7]