EUROCONTROL Network Manager
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- SubscriptionManagement
This NM B2B Service provides facilities to create and manage subscriptions allowing the users to define which kind of data they are interested in receiving via the NM B2B Publish Subscribe Services.The service is provided by the EUROCONTROL Network Manager (NM), with the geographical extent of the IFPZ, and is in operations since March 2015, having been progressively updated. The service is part of the NM B2B PublishSubscribe Services group.The publish/subscribe paradigm allows a client to subscribe to a topic and to receive asynchronous messages published on that topic. Most of the NM data is available via this service, being possible to subscribe to topics such as air traffic flow regulations, flight plans, flight data, airspace data, European Airspace Use Plan and Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Information Messages (AIM).Depending on the topic, various parameters can be used to fine-tune the subscriptions, in order to filter the messages that the user is interested in and to configure the set of fields to be sent in each message.This service offers a rich set of operations for users to manage their subscriptions, like getting their subscription list and details, creating and deleting them, pausing and resuming, as well as retrieving the history of all the states that the subscription has been through since its creation.The publish/subscribe targets all operational stakeholders and is the recommended way to obtain the dynamic data that NM publishes.
EUROCONTROL Network Manager
For operational incidents on the NM B2B services, contact CSO (Customer technical Service desk Operations) [24/7]