EUROCONTROL Network Manager
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This NM B2B Service allows to obtain the list of network scenarios based on a large set of criteria, and for each scenario, to obtain its measures.The service is provided by the EUROCONTROL Network Manager (NM), with the geographical extent of the IFPZ, and is in operations since May 2017, having been progressively updated. The service is part of the NM B2B Flow Services group.A scenario is a pre-defined and pre-agreed solution, in the form of a series of measures, to handle a capacity/demand imbalance. Measures can consist of regulations (normal and cherry-pick), flight level capping and (mandatory or alternative) reroutings.The service is targeted for the airspace users, as well as local Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) Units, as the scenario conveys information allowing airspace users to understand how to refile when the scenario is applied, and allowing local ATFM Units to know where the typical on-load and off-load areas are, in case the scenario is applied.
EUROCONTROL Network Manager
For operational incidents on the NM B2B services, contact CSO (Customer technical Service desk Operations) [24/7]