EUROCONTROL Network Manager
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This NM B2B Service allows to obtain and maintain flow measures, namely regulations (normal and cherry-pick) and reroutings, and to support the collaborative decision making on all kinds of measures.
The service is provided by the EUROCONTROL Network Manager (NM), with the geographical extent of the IFPZ, and is in operations since March 2010, having been progressively updated. The service is part of the NM B2B Flow Services group.
The service offers operations to compute the network impact assessment of the creation, modification and cancellation of a regulation or a rerouting. The network impact is expressed in terms of delay and traffic count changes. This functionality is particularly useful in a what-if context, to evaluate the impact of a measure before applying it.
Finally, the service gives access to the overall Network situation for a given day, in the form of a set of metrics concerning traffic counts, delays and regulations.
Access to regulation data can be done via the request/reply operations of this service and via the NM B2B Publish/Subscribe (P/S). The subscription mechanism allows to set filters for the selection of the traffic volumes or traffic volume sets and allows also to configure which regulation data fields must be present in the published messages. The P/S is the ideal means of getting the dynamic regulation live updates in a timely manner.
This service is targeted for the local Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) Units in what regards the management of flow measures, and to all operational stakeholders in what regards the read access to the measures and the overall Network situation.
EUROCONTROL Network Manager
For operational incidents on the NM B2B services, contact CSO (Customer technical Service desk Operations) [24/7]