EUROCONTROL Network Manager
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- AirspaceAvailability
This NM B2B Service supports the exchange of Airspace Use Plan information between the local ASM support systems and the EUROCONTROL Network Manager (NM), as well as the publication by NM of the consolidated European Airspace Use Plan.The service is provided by the NM, with the geographical extent of the IFPZ, and is in operations since March 2010, having been progressively updated. The service is part of the NM B2B Airspace Services group.The service supports the Airspace Management (ASM) processes, whereby the Airspace Management Cells (AMC) update and share their Airspace Use Plan (AUP) within the central NM system, allowing NM Operations to publish a consolidated European AUP (EAUP), enabling the airspace users to make the best possible use of airspace availability.The AUP reflects the decision of the AMC on the temporary allocation of the airspace within its area of responsibility, for a specific time period. The AirspaceAvailability service is articulated around the concept of AUP chain, which contains the history of airspace availability information versions issued by a given AMC in a given day, reflecting the original AUP and subsequent UUPs. The same concept of chain applies to the EAUP.Thereby, this service provides altogether to the AUP/EAUP consumer a view on the past and upcoming (prospective) AUP/EAUP evolutions for the day.The EAUP can be retrieved on demand via the request/reply operations of this service and via the NM B2B Publish/Subscribe (P/S). The P/S is the ideal means of getting the EAUP and its dynamic updates (EUUP) in a timely manner.This service is targeted for the AMC in what regards the management of the AUP, and for all operational stakeholders in what regards the read access to the EAUP/EUUP.
EUROCONTROL Network Manager
For operational incidents on the NM B2B services, contact CSO (Customer technical Service desk Operations) [24/7]