
ASM-INTF-NEG-090: The handleBookingProposal operation shall receive and process the HandleBookingProposalRequest message from an External User.

ASM-INTF-NEG-100: If the request is valid, the handleBookingProposal operation shall perform the requested action.

ASM-INTF-NEG-110: If for any reason the request is not valid, the updateBooking operation shall transmit an appropriate error in the HandleBookingProposalReply message to the requesting External User.

ASM-INTF-NEG-120: A HandleBookingProposalRequest should be rejected by the service if the user performing the update does not have the appropriate actions matching their update.

Note: The definition of these messages can be found in section 2.7.3 Interface Messages.

TI Protocol Methods
Refer to Section 2.5 Technologies
Processing Consideration