Exception Handling

The following error codes may be of interest to implementers, covering common failures applicable to this resource invocation. Implementers are free to use a suitable subset of the ones proposed or complement it with additional ones to cover particular implementation needs.

* 400 Bad Request: Indicated for malformed requests on the part of the client.
* 401 Unauthorized: Indicated for authentication errors (e.g. the authentication is not provided, the credentials used do not exists, the authentication mechanism used is not valid…).
* 403 Forbidden: Indicated for authorization errors (e.g. the authenticated credentials are not allowed to perform this operation on the resource).
* 404 Not Found: The requested resource cannot be found (e.g. the <subscription_id> does not exist).
* 405 Method Not Allowed: The HTTP method used is not supported by the resource.
* 500 Internal Server Error: Catch-all error for unexpected internal errors during the processing of the request.