Sizing and performance

For each selected ADES, a consumer must be able to receive one message every 15 sec. (standard sequence calculation period) without generating congestion in its queue. Unprocessed messages will be automatically suppressed after expiration of time to live (TTL) delay. This behavior is not critical due to the cyclical nature of the arrival sequence calculation (see ED-254-REQ 0870). The use of a message listener with deferred processing is recommended in this case.
The consumer infrastructure must be able to handle the resulting flow rate from their subscription. The filter capability of the subscription request can be used to reduce the resulting flow rate (remove uninteresting ADES or flights). Find below some orders of magnitude for arrival sequence message size and associated flow rate (calculation period 15 sec.).
Flights in the sequence Sequence size (bytes) Flow rate (with protocol overhead) (kb/s)
Average ADES situation 40 44550 24
Loaded ADES situation 20 220550 118
The following values are given as a guide:
Constant Indicative Value
MAX_DELIVERY_TIME (cf. ED-254-REQ 0800, 0805) 10 sec
MAX_CONSUMER_NUMBER (cf. ED-254-REQ 0885) 100 (no clear value identified at this stage)