CoordinationAccept input

Even if the downstream changes, the responsibility originator of the coordinationAccept input must be the consulted responsibility (the responsibility delivered for CONSULTATION). The name of this consulted responsibility can be deduced from the servedController list (distributionKind = CONSULTATION) of the alternative SFPL corresponding to the proposal according to the direction of this proposal (direction = DOWNSTREAM / UPSTREAM), and its identifier is in the ControlSector list.
On a coordinationAccept input:
- The whole set of coordination data is considered agreed by CCS.
- The coordination status of the transition is set to ACCEPTED.
- The update of the coordination data within the real SFPL triggers the recomputation of the trajectory.
- The WhatIF flight supporting this coordination dialog is deleted from CCS (the HMI manages itself the removal of the whatIF flights associated with an ACCEPTED/REJECTED dialog in its system).