Data type

Aviation forecasts in GRIB2 format.

  • Data source: from either WAFC London or WAFC Washington.
  • Available as coverage "tiles" for the whole globe, or as one of 8 individual regional "tiles" representing approximately 1/8th of the globe.
  • Data sets are refreshed following model updates every 6 hours.
  • 'Main' data sets: wind (u, v), temperature, relative humidity, geopotential height, max wind (u,v and height) and tropopause (height and temperature):
    • at 0.25-degree out to either 66 or 120 hours, depending on model update.
    • at 1.25-degree resolutions out to 36 hours.
  • WAFS harmonised 'Hazards': icing severity, cumulonimbus and turbulence severity:
    • at 0.25-degree resolution, out to 48 hours.
Real World Effect

Consumers of the Service (Airlines, Air Navigation Service Providers, National Met Services, and companies that supply flight planning software and geospatial data visualisation services for the aviation industry) obtain the most recent aeronautical forecasts from WAFC London to inform their decision-making regarding:
- Determining optimum flight routes (and therefore reducing fuel burn)
- Reducing Carbon dioxide emissions
- Hazard awareness and avoidance